C Program to Check Prime Number using For loop, Recursion and Function

C program for prime number : The following program checks and finds the prime numbers from 1 to 100. It also checks prime numbers using function and recurison in C.

Algorithm to check prime number:

Any number is divisible by other numbers which are less than or equal to half that number. For example, number 14 is divisible by numbers which are less equal 7 i.e 1 and 7. In general a number n is divisible by numbers less than or equal to n/2. So we can use this concept to check whether a given number is prime or not.

C program to check prime number

/* C program to check whether a number is prime using for loop and if-else*/


int main()
 int n,i,flag=0;
 printf("\n Enter any number to check whether it is prime or not:- ");
 if (n<2 0="" 1="" 29="" a="" above="" any="" break="" cases:="" check="" code="" d="" else="" enter="" exit="" flag="=0)" for="" i="=0)" if="" is="" it="" n="" not:-="" not="" number="" of="" or="" output="" prime="" printf="" return="" runtime="" test="" to="" whether="" x9=""
factorial program in C

Now we will write a C program to find prime numbers between two intervals, that is between a given range. For example prime numbers between 1 to n, prime numbers between 1 to 100 or 1 to 500 or 1000.

C program to find prime numbers between 1 to 100 (a range)

/* C program to find prime numbers between a range */


int main()
 int lower_limit,n,upper_limit,i,prime;
 printf("\n \n Enter the range x and y : ");
   if (n%i==0)

  if (prime==1)
   printf("%d ",n);

 return 0;

/* Output of above code:-
 Enter the range x and y : 1 100
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 */

C program to check prime number using function

/* C program to check prime number using function */


void isPrime(int n); // isPrime Function Prototype

int main()
 int n;

 printf("\n Enter any value:- ");


// isPrime Function
void isPrime(int n)
 int i,LED=0; 

 if(n<2 0="" 2="" above="" any="" break="" code:-="" code="" d="" else="" enter="" exit="" for="" i="=0)" if="" is="" n="" not="" number="" of="" output="" prime="" printf="" return="" value:-="" x9:printf="" x9=""

C program to check prime number using recursion

/* C Program to find whether a Number is Prime or Not using Recursion */


int prime_number(int, int);

int main()

 int num, check;

 printf("Enter a number: ");
 scanf("%d", &num);

 check = prime_number(num, num / 2);

 if (check == 1)
  printf("%d is a prime number\n", num);
 printf("%d is not a prime number\n", num);

 return 0;


int prime_number(int num, int i)
 if (i == 1)
 return 1;
  if (num % i == 0)
   return 0;
   return primeno(num, i - 1);

/* Output of above code / Runtime Cases :-

Enter a number: 789
789 is not a prime number
Enter a number: 751
751 is a prime number


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