C Program to find Factorial of a Number

Factorial program in C : This program calculates or find the factorial of a number using function, for loop and recursion.

C Program to Find Factorial of Number

Here is the source code of C program find the factorial of Number.
/* Aim: Write a C program to find or calculate factorial of a number. */


int main()
	int i,fact=1,num;

	printf("\n Enter the any number:- ");

	printf("\n The factorial of %d is %d \n \n",num,fact);

	return 0;


 Enter the any number:- 5

 The factorial of 5 is 120

Flowchart to Find Factorial of a Number

Algorithm (wap) to find factorial of a number in C

  1. Start
  2. Accept any number to find its factorial.
  3. Declare and initialize an integer variable to save the factorial of given number.
  4. Use for loop to loop through 1 to given number. Here we can loop forward as well as backward.
  5. Finally print the factorial of given number.
  6. Stop.

C Program to Find Factorial of Number using Function

/* Aim: Write a function for the following function prototype
void Factorial(int a) */


void Factorial(int a); // Factorial Function Prototype

int main()
	int a;
	printf("\n Enter any value:- ");


	return 0;

// Factorial Function

void Factorial(int a)
	int i,fact=1;

	printf("\n Factorial of %d is %d \n \n",a,fact);


 Enter any value:- 6

 Factorial of 6 is 720

Factorial Program Using Recursion in C

/* Aim: Write a recursive program to factorial of given number */


long int Factorial(int num); // Factorial Function Prototype

int main()
	int num;
	printf("\n Enter any number:- ");

	printf("\n Factorial of %d is %d \n \n",num,Factorial(num));

	return 0;

// Factorial Function

long int Factorial(int num)
	if(num==0 || num==1)
	return 1;
	return (num*Factorial(num-1));
 Enter the any number:- 9

 The factorial of 9 is 362880