DFA Program in C

Write a C program to accept, display, execute DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton). Accept a string and check if it accepted by given DFA.

DFA Program

This is the DFA program in system programming written in C programing language. Dfa in C

typedef struct DFA
 int nos;
 int noi;
 int nof;
 int delta[10][10];
 int final[10];
 char inputSymbols[10];


int checkSymbol(char ch,DFA d)

 for(int i=0;i<d.noi;i++)
  if(ch == d.inputSymbols[i])
   return i;  

 return -1;

int checkFinalState(int st,DFA d)

 for(int i=0;i<d.nof;i++)
  if(st == d.final[i])
   return 1;  

 return 0;

int main()
 DFA d;

 printf("\nEnter no of states: ");
 scanf(" %d",&d.nos);

 printf("\nEnter no of final states: ");
 scanf(" %d",&d.nof);

 printf("\nEnter no of input symbols: ");
 scanf(" %d",&d.noi);

 // accept the input symbols
 for(int i=0;i<d.noi;i++)
  printf("Enter input symbol no %d : ",i+1);
  scanf(" %c",&d.inputSymbols[i]);

 // accept the final states
 for(int i=0;i<d.nof;i++)
  printf("Enter final state no %d : ",i+1);
  scanf(" %d",&d.final[i]);

 printf("\nEnter transitions: ");
 for(int i=0;i<d.nos;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<d.noi;j++)
   printf("\nd(q%d,%c) : ", i,d.inputSymbols[j]);
   scanf(" %d",&d.delta[i][j]);

 // print the transition table
 // print the symbols as columns of transition table
 for(int i=0;i<d.noi;i++)
  printf("\t %c",d.inputSymbols[i]);

 for(int i=0;i<d.nos;i++)

  for(int j=0;j<d.noi;j++)

  char string[10]; 

  printf("\nEnter a string: ");

  int stateCounter = 0;
  int flag = 1;

  for(int i=0;i<strlen(string);i++) 
   int symPos = checkSymbol(string[i],d);
    flag = 0;
   stateCounter = d.delta[stateCounter][symPos];

  if(flag==1 && checkFinalState(stateCounter,d)==1)
   printf("%s is accepted. ",string);
   printf("%s is not accpeted. ",string);
 return 0;


/* Output of above code:

Enter no of states: 4

Enter no of final states: 1

Enter no of input symbols: 3
Enter input symbol no 1 : a
Enter input symbol no 2 : b
Enter input symbol no 3 : c
Enter final state no 1 : 3

Enter transitions: 
d(q0,a) : 1

d(q0,b) : 2

d(q0,c) : 2

d(q1,a) : 3

d(q1,b) : 0

d(q1,c) : 3

d(q2,a) : 2

d(q2,b) : 1

d(q2,c) : 1

d(q3,a) : 2

d(q3,b) : 3

d(q3,c) : 1
  a  b  c

q0 1 2 2

q1 3 0 3

q2 2 1 1

q3 2 3 1

Enter a string: abc
abc is not accpeted. 
Enter a string: aa
aa is accepted. 

