C Program to Calculate the Perimeter and Area of Rong

C Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of Ring

Area of Ring
Formula to find area of ring:

Perimeter of Ring
Formula to find perimeter of ring:
Perimeter = 2π(R+r)

This C code accepts the inner and outer radius and finds the area and perimeter of ring.
/* Aim: To calculate the perimeter and area of ring */

int main()
	float area,a,b,p;
	printf("\n Enter inner radius of ring: ");

	printf("\n Enter outer radius of ring: ");


	printf("\n The Perimeter of ring is  : %f",p);
	printf("\n \n The area of ring is  : %f \n \n",area);
	return 0;


 Enter inner radius of ring: 12

 Enter outer radius of ring: 16

 The Perimeter of ring is  : 175.951996
 The area of ring is  : 351.903992 


Accept the values of inner and outer radius of ring from user and calculate the area and perimeter according to the formula given above.