C program to find profit or loss

C program to find profit or loss

Write a C program to accept the selling price and cost price of an item from user and find out whether its profit or loss. Program to find product or loss.
/* Aim: Program to check whether seller has made a profit or not */

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
	float cost,sell,t;

	printf("\n Enter the cost price:- ");
	printf("\n Enter the selling price:- ");


	printf("\n The seller has made a profit of Rs.%f \n \n",t);
	else if(t<0)
	printf("\n The seller has made a loss of Rs.%f \n \n",-(t));
	printf("\n The seller has neither made profit nor loss \n \n");  



 Enter the cost price:- 8000

 Enter the selling price:- 16000

 The seller has made a profit of Rs.8000.000000