C Program To Find The Area of Circle


Write a c program to find or calculate the area of circle.

Algorithm / Solution:

Formula to find the area of circle is 2*3.142*r*r.

Here is the solution of C program to find or calculate the area of circle.
  1. Start
  2. Accept radius from the user.
  3. Calculate and store the area in 'area' variable.
  4. Display the area variable.
  5. Stop.

C Program / Source Code:

Here is the source code of C program to find or calculate the area of circle.
/* Aim: Write a c program to find or calculate the area of circle. */
#define PI 3.14159
void main()
	float r,area;
	printf("\n \n Enter Your Radius:");


	printf("\n \n The Area of circle is %f \n \n",area);


/* Output of above code:-
 Enter Your Radius:4

 The Area of circle is 50.265442 